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Conga's Spring '21 Release Recap

A big thanks to Conga for highlighting some of the new features from their Spring ‘21 Release.

Check it out! You now have sandbox access to Conga’s Spring ’21 Release features for Conga Sign, Composer, and Grid. Sandbox preview allows you to test and prepare your organization for the upcoming enhancements. During this release, we do not expect any downtime of our Conga applications.

New features include:

Live Grid is a new update for Conga Grid that allows you to see in real time what other teammates are editing and changing within a Grid view

For Conga Sign, we are focusing on enhancing the signers’ experience for large and complex documents. Guided Signing allows signers to easily navigate back and forth through signature blocks within the documents. This will keep your signers on track and on task in their signing process

And for Composer, check out our localization efforts to expand language offerings within our setup menu, lightning component, and document automation wizard

Learn more now:

Release Notes: Check out the release notes to learn more about each new feature from all three products

See the features in action:

March 3rd: All Spring ‘21 product features available (set a reminder!)

Register now for the Spring ’21 Release webinar on March 16th at 8 am PT/11 am ET